Estate Distribution according to Faraid in Singapore

Estate Distribution according to Faraid in Singapore

(based on the Shafii School of Thought)


If a Muslim dies leavingDivision of Real and Personal Property
Wife & no relations   ¼ to wife, ¾ to Baitulmal*
Wife & son (sons) 1/8 to wife, rest to son (sons equally)
Wife, son & daughter 1/8 to wife, 7/12 to son & 7/24 to daughter
Wife, 2 sons & 2 daughters 1/8 to wife, 7/24 to each son & 7/48 to each daughter
Wife & 1 daughter 1/8 to wife, ½ to daughter & 3/8 to Baitulmal
Wife & daughters 1/8 to wife, 2/3 to daughters & 5/24 to Baitulmal
Wife, daughter & 1 son’s son 1/8 to wife, ½ to daughter, rest to son’s son
Wife, daughters & 1 son’s son 1/8 to wife, 2/3 to daughters equally, rest to son’s son
Wife, daughter, 1 son’s son & 1 son’s daughter 1/8 to wife, 1/2 to daughter, ¼ to son’s son & 1/8 to son’s daughter


If a Muslim dies leavingDivision of Real and Personal Property
Husband & no relations ½ to husband & balance to Baitulmal
Husband & son (sons) ¼ to husband, rest to son (sons equally)
Husband, son & daughter ¼ to husband, ½ to son, ¼ to daughter
Husband, 2 sons & 2 daughters ¼ to husband, ¼ to each son, 1/8 to each daughter
Husband & 1 daughter ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter & rest to Baitulmal
Husband & daughters ¼ to husband, 2/3 to the daughters & rest to Baitulmal
Husband, daughter & 1 son’s son ¼ to husband, ½ to daughter, rest to son’s son
Husband, daughters & 1 son’s son ¼ to husband, 2/3 to daughters equally, 1/12 to son’s son
Husband & father  ½ to husband, & ½ to father

Sons & Daughters:

If a Muslim dies leavingDivision of Real and Personal Property
1 son & no other relations All to son
1 daughter ½ to daughter & rest to Baitulmal
Daughters 2/3 to daughters equally & rest to Baitulmal
Sons & daughters Equally between all sons & daughters, but so that that the share of each son is double that of each daughter
1 son & son’s son or son’s daughters All to son
1 son & father (or mother) 1/6 to father (or mother), rest to son
1 son, father and mother 1/6 each to father & mother, rest to son
1 daughter and son’s son ½ to daughter, rest to son’s son
1 daughter, son’s son and son’s daughter ½ to daughter, 2/6 to son’s son, 1/6 to son’s daughter

Father & Mother:

If a Muslim dies leavingDivision of Real and Personal Property
Father & no other relations All to father
Father & mother 2/3 to father, 1/3 to mother
Father, full brothers & sisters All to father
Father, mother, 3 son’s daughters 1/6 to father, 1/6 to mother & 2/3 to 3 son’s daughter in equal shares
Father, mother, daughter, 4 son’s daughters 1/6 to father, 1/6 to mother, ½ to the daughter & 1/6 to the son’s daughters in equal shares
Father, mother, 2 son’s daughters & son’s son’s daughter 1/6 to father, 1/6 to mother & 2/3 to son’s daughters in equal shares. The son’s son’s daughter is excluded by the 2 son’s daughters
Father, mother, son’s daughter, son’s son’s daughter 1/6 to father, 1/6 to mother, ½ to son’s daughter & 1/6 to son’s son’s daughter (the son’s daughter & son’s son’s daughter share the Uuranic share of 2 or more daughters)
Mother & no other relations 1/3 to mother, rest to Baitulmal
Mother, & full brothers 1/6 to mother, rest to brothers equally

Brothers & Sisters:

If a Muslim dies leavingDivision of Real and Personal Property
Full brothers & sisters Equally between all brothers & sisters, but so that each brother receives double the share of each sister
Full brother & sister, & consanguine sister 1/6 to consanguine sister, 10/18 to full brother, 5/18 to full sister
Full brother & uterine brother & sister 1/6 each to uterine brother & sister, rest to full brother
Consanguine brother & full sister  2/3 to brother, 1/3 to sister
Consanguine brother & consanguine sister 2/3 to brother, 1/3 to sister
Consanguine brother & uterine sister 1/6 to uterine sister, rest to brother
Uterine brothers & full sisters 1/3 to brothers, 2/3 to sisters equally
Uterine brother & sister & consanguine sisters 1/6 to each uterine brother & sister, 2/3 to consanguine sisters
Full sisters 2/3 to sisters equally, the rest to Baitulmal

*Baitulmal is the Muslim trust which operates by the MUIS into which the non-inheritable share of the estate shall be paid.


4 Responses

  1. Yem
    Would like to know. I m the eldest son with 2 younger sister. Both my sister had both my sister had 2 kids each. No both my parent had passaway. How is the esset divided follow the faraid?
  2. Learned on the distribution for a Muslim family.
  3. I think, there's a typo error in the portion of the heir in the 1st table (last row): Wife, daughter, 1 son’s son & 1 son’s daughter. In the table, the portion of the daughter is written 1/3. I think it should be 1/2 instead.
    • Stephen Chew
      Hello James Thanks for pointing this out. We have updated the website already. Have a great day ahead!

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